Tuesday, November 25, 2008


After watching the video in class, i realized how little I knew about Skid Row. I had heard the name before but never really knew what it was. Through the video, i not only learned all about Skid Row but I was also incouraged to help those in my community, who like the men and women on skid row, are homeless and surrounded my drugs. It really made me sad to see all those people who live on the streets and really never know if their going to make it through the day. To me, the video was very effective. It opened my eyes to that horrible thing thats going on and even encourged me to want to help. It really appealed to pathos by showing all those people who really have no home, especially the little kids running around these dangerous streets. It also appealed to ethos by showing the man who used to sell drugs and has now found God. When he speaks, he talks about how low it is to do something like that and how he has found a better life and is now a rapper. Also, throughout the whole video, we're seeing facts about skid row, its size, the amount of people in it, statistics, etc. The man who made this video really appeals to all 3; logos, pathos, and ethos. His evidence is clear since it is a video and he is showing us the streets of this place with real people who go through this every day. It's a strong video which could capture anyone.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

lets get married cause we're in love <3

I'm very liberal about everything except for my economics. So i am totally FOR gay marriage. My parents are both actors & everyone in my family is some kind of artist so you can imagine that i've been surrounded by gay men and women a little more than everyone else. I don't see why they shouldn't have the chance to get married but silly drunk kids can do it in vegas for shits and giggles. Honestly, the law should have been passed, their gonna be together anyway why not let them get married? We're suppossed to be a free country and little restrictions like this that really is not helping us out in anyway are going against what we stand for initially. Most of the silly kids i mentioned earlier get married for a good time & not cause their in love, while two men or two women who really are in love & believe it when they say "till death do us part" are not able to get married. Marriage shouldn't be taken away from any 2 people in love. Nowadays we can marry dogs.... DOGS.

But two men... WOAH, thats crazy.

I feel as though we're taking a right away from them that is rightfully theirs to begin with. So what if they happen to be attracted to the same sex, their not hurting anyone. Why do we feel the need to hurt them & the person they love?

Monday, November 3, 2008

-_- silly government

There is so much going on right now with our government that most people, including myself, tend to look past things that seem small right now; such as education. I actually didn't know about the "no child left behind" law. I had heard of that name before but i didn't know about the law itself & everything that it entails. After listening to the first video, i was really surprised that that was actually a law. I went to public school all of my life, except for high school, so it didn't affect me. But it's crazy how these teachers are forced to do better yearly when their teaching the same material to completely different students, i think thats ridiculous. Although she seemed frustrated in her argument, i was happy to see a teacher that cares. I love seeing teachers who care & really try to bring new things to the classroom bc it motivates me to work harder and do better. While she was explaining what the law stated, i was so shocked at the fact that who ever wrote this law actually thought it was a great idea?! I was literally thinking to myself: who would ever look at this and be like "wow, what a grrrreat idea"?! Then they name it something super cute like "no child left behind" to make you feel guilty if you don't agree with it. UGHH through these blogs i've noticed that i really get frustrated about things when i write about them -_-